56. The Man of My Dreams

Well, with a little under 3 months to go on the year I've reached my goal. Number 56 is The Man of My Dreams by Curtis Sittenfeld.
Here's the Library Journal review from B&N:
Following up on her successful debut novel, Prep, Sittenfeld once again addresses themes of adolescence and identity. With a sure voice, she details the experiences of Hannah Gavener, from age 14 in 1991 to age 28 in 2005. Hannah begins her tale while in temporary exile in Philadelphia with her aunt Elizabeth after her father has broken up his marriage and family. She can handle her father's having thrown everyone out of the house in the middle of the night, but she is thrown into confusion over her browbeaten mother's decision to end years of emotional abuse. With her emotional moorings undercut and replaced with a pervading sense of uncertainty, Hannah begins her college years as a hermit but soon enters the world of hook-ups and crushes after she is befriended by Jenny and challenged by free-spirit cousin Fig. Eventually, she gathers enough courage to cut her ties with her father, but gaining enough experience to let go of the bitterness requires encounters with Ted, Elliott, Mike, Henry, and Oliver. Hannah's wry wit and unsentimental self-understanding make her story compelling. Sittenfeld gives her a voice that is serious without being mordant, hopeful without being flighty.
It took me awhile to get into this one, but once I did I really enjoyed it. Hannah was really easy to understand and relate to. I've read Sittenfeld's other book Prep, and I'm sure I'll read whatever she rights next.
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