26. Finishing Touches

Again, not the typical Chick lit. Finishing Touches had more substance and was a really good look at how we perceive ourselves, how others perceive us and how those two things impact our actions.
From B&N: Furniture store manager Jesse Holtz has two close friends, Cecile and Bryn who make her feel life is good. Jesse especially is happy for Cecile, who is getting married in a few days to Zach, her college boyfriend. However a tragic auto accident kills Cecile.-------------------- Bryn and Zach mourn their loss, but not as heavily as Jesse grieves. Zach offers comfort and Jesse accepts it. As they get closer to one another, Bryn feels left out with no one to help her through the loss. Almost one year later, Jesse realizes no one has really moved on something that Cecile would have expected of them. Perhaps the $50,000 that she inherited from her friend can be put to good use helping everyone fondly remember Cecile and also get on with their lives while she personally can celebrate her growing relationship with Zach resented by seemingly everyone else who insists he belongs to Cecile.-------------- FINISHING TOUCHES is an intriguing character study that follows several people going through the phases of grief after a loved one died suddenly in an accident. The key troupe members to include the late Cecile consist of full dimensional caring characters who struggle to come to grips with the tragedy, which leads to new issues between them. Though at times the ensemble support cast seems overwhelming and slows down the insightful story line, contemporary readers will appreciate this often sad, but also at time humorous well written relationship drama.
This one is definitely a good read!
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